Leader of the Pack

Heather Lilleston

Heather Lilleston

Occupation: Yoga Teacher, Earthling, Wild Child

Preoccupation: Making the entire world feel like home.

Favorite Hotel: Edition Hotels. They have led yoga classes on the TV’s in each hotel rooms, so it’s easy to practice when I stay there. But you knew this would be the answer.

Heather Lilleston
  • 1. What’s your perfect carry on or piece of luggage?


  • 2. What’s your go-to travel uniform?

    My vintage army coat. It has become what I call “my protector diety”. It feels superstitious to not travel with it.

  • 3. Can’t travel without:

    EO LAVENDER HAND SANITIZER, ROSE WATER SPRAY, DR TUNG'S DENTAL FLOSS. When you cant brush your teeth easily, dental floss can really make you feel super clean and refreshed after a long flight, and a little scented spray feels like a quick shower. EO has the best hand sanitizer - it is organic, doesn't dry your hands and smells good. I travel too much to risk the germ situation in airplanes.

  • 4. Oddest thing I’ve ever packed:

    A special tibetan knife for a ceremony that was hidden amongst a bunch of sage in my carry on. I forgot it was in my carry on, thinking I had packed it in my check in bag. As they searched my bag in security, I noticed it, and immediately thought: “this is gonna be bad”. I was worried because my teachers had given it to me and it had a lot of meaning, it was pretty irreplaceable. Somehow, the TSA employees didn't notice and I got on that plane, knife and all. Hope this story doesn't freak anyone out. It was only used for a good intention, for a special Buddhist ceremony to hold the space for deep meditation, which is why I think it made it through.

  • 5. Favorite thing to nick from the hotel room:

    Um, I take all of the LE LABO PRODUCTS from the Edition Hotel any time I stay there. And sometimes I will take a hotel pen with me. Always need a good pen!